orah, the holiest
legacy of Judaism, consists of the 5 Books of Moses, and is
the first and most important part of the Written Law (Bible),
which also includes the prophets and hagiographs.
page from Torah
found in Bedzin (Bendzin, Bendsburg) ruins
Torah scrolls are written by hand on parchment (less often,
but especially so by Oriental Jews, on leather).
Originally seven men from the audience were "called
up" on a Shabbat (five on holidays and six on Yom Kippur)
to read aloud the sections from the Torah. But today this
reading aloud is usually performed by "Baal Kore"
while the "called up" person stands next to him.
the Torah may not be touched with a naked hand, the reader
uses a Torah-pointer (Jad-Hand) made of silver or wood which
enables him to grasp the sense of the text and follow the
wording in a low voice.
After the reading, the Torah scroll is lifted up, opened,
and shown to the whole congregation. Then it is closed and
wrapped in a Torah binder (Mappah).
Aside from its law-giving sections, the Torah includes historical
concerning the early history of the world
as well as it represents the actual constitution
and book of laws of the Jewish people.
• Click here to read Torah